London Softball League 2025 AGM
Monday 27th January 2025
Sir Christopher Hatton Pub (EC1N 7RA)6:30 doors open for 7.00pm start.
[nearest tube Chancery Lane]
Attendance[email protected]. Please note that the AGM will be held on the lower floor, accessed via stairs. Vacant Committee Roles – Volunteer Today! All committee roles for the 2025 season will be elected at the AGM. All roles are open for election, with a number of committee members standing for re-election. The following roles, however, will be vacant due to committee members stepping down: Director – Chairing meetings, setting the agenda, delegating & overseeing tasks, and representing the league.
Secretary – Organising meetings, taking minutes, team registration.
Minors Officer – Liaising with minor’s team captains, managing league and All Stars teams.
Majors Officer – Liaising with major’s team captains, managing league and All Stars teams.
New Players Officer – Liaising with new players and teams in the league, Organising New Players Day.
Fixtures Officer – Fixtures (Co-Officer)- Supporting the current fixtures officer with organising pitch bookings and producing a fixture schedule.
[New Role to be agreed at AGM] Inclusion Officer – Will work with the technical.officer to ensure fair play, inclusion and safety. Will mainly deal with code of conduct reports and liase with volunteers helping organise female and non-binary participation in the league.
If you would like to stand for either of these positions, or any other committee role, please contact the League Director: [email protected]. (You can nominate yourself for a role at the AGM, but prior notice is preferred, all roles can be shared) . A full list of committee roles, along with brief descriptions of each role, can be found on the website: You can also contact the current committee member for further information. * * * The League is run entirely by volunteers and cannot function without support from across our teams – please consider volunteering to ensure the continued success of the League. If you would like to volunteer but cannot see a suitable role, please get in touch to discuss further. Roles may also be shared. * * * Documentation and Amendments The Agenda and previous Minutes will be circulated nearer the date. If you wish to suggest any amendments to the Constitution, Standing Orders or raise any other discussion points, there is a form for people to enter details – this has been sent to all players and captains. It is preferred that form entries are submitted by Team Captains, but individuals can also make suggestions. * * * We look forward to seeing you on 30 January 2025!